Inspiration for Button Communication
Hunger for Words’ button teaching practices are inspired by Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP), a therapeutic AAC approach.
Three Strategies for Teaching Your Pet to Talk
Using the three teaching strategies outlined in this article will give you the perfect foundation for teaching your pet to talk and launch you both on a new and exciting journey of communication.
What is AAC?
While Stella’s form of communication using buttons is novel within the dog world, it stems from a much larger and exciting world of AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication). AAC for humans was a deep passion for the Hunger for Words team long before Stella came on the scene.
Reflecting on Stella’s Language Journey
I can’t believe it has already been four years since Stella started using her first words independently. We’ve come a long way from little Stella going to the bathroom next to her buttons, swatting at them and missing, and...